Change Log:
April 4th:
- Tooltip added to asterisk to avoid confusion for hostees (who I have automatically given this page to).
- The ability to master multiple decks added.
- The ability to delete multiple decks added.
- Whether a badge has been successfully uploaded already or not is shown as a ✔or ❌.
- Optional: View deck toggle added.
March 17th:
Initial release date.
- List of cards alphabetized (01, 02, 03, 04).
- Any collecting deck with duplicated cards indicated with red asterisk.
- 'Sort' added to New Collecting Deck modal.
- Mastery badge field that automatically pulls badge from default upload location. ("Update Deck" must be pressed at least once to upload deck!)
Download Links:
- Please replace /etcg/collecting.php with one of the following files!
Without toggle:
With toggle:
Alphabetical cards:
- This makes it much easier to locate duplicated cards!

Decks with duplicated cards indicated with red asterisk:
- CTRL+F makes it easy to find decks with errors in them.

Easy badge uploading
- Decks can now be uploaded before mastering!
- Decks are not automatically added to your card folder, and "Update Deck" must be pressed at least once to add it!
- CUSTOM BADGE TIP: If your badge is not from the default upload source, change the URL to the correct folder and click "update deck"! It will upload the custom badge. Then remove custom URL to return to default URL.

- You can master or delete multiple decks at once. You can not do both at the same time.
- Any deck that is checked will be deleted or mastered.
- If a deck is not completed (aka 20/20) it will not master. It will remain in your collecting decks.

Toggle Hide/Show Cards (Optional):
- Cards are automatically hidden by default.
- Clicking the toggle button causes them to reappear.
- Due to default scripting that is in place, you may see the border around the deck turn blue upon collapsing it again. This is due to code that is normally target towards the cards.php page, and the collapse and hide feature there. Don't be alarmed. I may fix this in the future, but I think that it is a fairly innocent "bug".