Add the following code to your mods.php file, between the PHP tags.

ADD TO MODS.PHP, between the PHP tags

// Show cards from the given category, returns text.
function show_cards_as_text( $tcg, $category, $unique = 0 ) {

	$database = new Database;
	$sanitize = new Sanitize;
	$tcg = $sanitize->for_db($tcg);
	$category = $sanitize->for_db($category);
	$altname = strtolower(str_replace(' ','',$tcg));
	$tcginfo = $database->get_assoc("SELECT * FROM `tcgs` WHERE `name`='$tcg' LIMIT 1");
	$tcgid = $tcginfo['id'];
	$cardsurl = $tcginfo['cardsurl'];
	$format = $tcginfo['format'];
	$cards = $database->get_assoc("SELECT `cards` FROM `cards` WHERE `tcg`='$tcgid' AND `category`='$category' LIMIT 1");
	if ( $cards['cards'] === '' ) { echo '<p><em>There are currently no cards under this category.</em></p>'; }
	else {
		$cards = explode(',',$cards['cards']);
		if ( $unique == 1 ) { $cards = array_unique($cards); }
    $card_list = array();
		foreach ( $cards as $card ) {
      $card = trim($card);
      array_push($card_list, '<span title="' .$card. '">'.$card.'</span>');
    $card_list= implode(', ',$card_list);
    echo $card_list;



<?php show_cards_as_text('nameoftcg','nameofcategory'); ?>

Replace your cardsearch.js file

	By Daggles, Modified by Caitlin
	Modify and redistribute as you see fit
	12/30/2019: 2.0
		- The ability to search for multiple cards at once was added
	11/17/2011: 1.1
		- Cards in the found list are now links that will take you directly to the card
	11/15/2011: 1.0
		Initial release

function repl(str) {
    return $.trim(str.replace(/(?=[\\/\\\\^$*+?.()|{}[\\]])/g, ' '));
function clearHighlight() {
	$('img').each(function(index) {
		$(this).removeClass('dimmedCard, highlightCard');
function highlightImage() {
	var searchTerm = repl($('#search').val());
	var searchTermArray = searchTerm.split(', ');
	var re = new RegExp(searchTerm  + "[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]*", "i");
	var cardArray = new Array();
	if (searchTerm.length >= 3) {
		$('img').each(function(index) {
			for (var i = 0; i < searchTermArray.length; i++) {
				if ($(this).attr('title') != undefined) {
					if ($(this).attr('title').match(searchTermArray[i].toLowerCase())) {
						cardArray.push('<a href="#' + $.trim($(this).attr('title')) + '">' + $.trim($(this).attr('title')) + '</a>');
						$(this).attr('id', $.trim($(this).attr('title')));
			$('span').each(function(index) {
			for (var i = 0; i < searchTermArray.length; i++) {
				if ($(this).attr('title') != undefined) {
					if ($(this).attr('title').match(searchTermArray[i])) {
						cardArray.push('<a href="#' + $.trim($(this).attr('title')) + '">' + $.trim($(this).attr('title')) + '</a>');
						$(this).attr('id', $.trim($(this).attr('title')));
	var cardArrayCount = cardArray.length;
	$('#cardlist').html('<i>Found ' + cardArrayCount + ' cards.</i><br />' + cardArray.join(', '));
	} else {
		$('#cardlist').html('<i>Please enter 3 or more characters.</i>');
function clearHighlight() {
	$('img').each(function(index) {
		$(this).removeClass('highlightCard dimmedCard');